well well.. tudia tengok tuh dua tahun kot tak update blog.. so it's a bit awkward meh kekeke..so in this two years many things happen.. result SPM mcm hampeh ...it bcuz im too lazy to study..rse mcm da bangga sgt dgn result PMR dulu..then amekkau..tengok rsult SPM..tak boleh naik pentas lagi sekali..but everything happen always have the hidden reason..I BELIEVE ITTT but rse nyesal still tebal dalam diri ini..
Then disebabkan result SPM tu tak elok sgt UPU tak dpt..METRIKULASI pon tak dapat..seriously rasa nak nanges..tp metrik tak feel anythg sangat sbb memang tak mau pi sana pon sebab??? IDK.. UPU tu aq put high hope maybe tu sedih tu..nasib ade la back up.. but back up pon mmg parah le nak membayarnyer..semua IPTS..
let me list those IPT
UniKL(got nurse but tak pegi sbb mse lepas dpt result rse gedik nk jd nurse then bila fikir balik mcm erkkk..hehehe)
KPJ (ni aq apply nursing and dpt tawaran but yuran dia RM70K kot...boleh beli kereta sebijik nih..so tolak lah yer..)
USM (yang ni aq beli no pin at BSN dengan harga RM60..mahei kott..USM ni aq mnx course NURSING jgak hohoho byk kot aq apply for nursing at the end tolak semua but this one idk wheather dpt msok ke x tapi got iv meh for this..ade one quest in english then all in malay..IV nih at kelantan )
UNISEL ( haaaa this one course lain plak aq apply TESL..i got it and daftar 30MAY2015 kalau tak silaplah sebab tak jadi p sini, malas da nak amek tahu ...btw ade baca tweet abg senior UNISEL is one of the good uni for TESL )
KUIS (i apply for TESL also here.. aq pegi iv kot utk KUIS nih ..speaking aje aq..firstly mmg x confident ..can i speak english well? but bila msok tmpt iv tuh rse keyakinan meningkat plus aq mmg rarely speaking dgn org..then rse mcm best gak ckp bi nih .. hohoho..plus letc yg iv aq tu manis ja muka dia..)
KPTM ( yang ni aq letak 1st choice TESL , 2nd choice NURSING and 3rd choice DIP PENDIDIKAN AWL KANAK KANAK ..but idk how bila check after few weeks sbb tgk at bwh web tu dia tlis akn release result before 29 may bla bla bla then decide to check it after few weeks actually after KUIS IV then jajannn GOT IT but it's not on the list..i got DIPLOMA SAINS KERJASAMA UiTM ..Then firasat mcm ckp sroh pilih this one sbb i love science even i hate chemistry)
okay i think that's it ..aq actually nk share experience aq dgn adik adik ..kalau korang ade bc blog akak before SPM ni..study la ..jgn malas sgt nnt nyesal x sudah..tawarn belajar mmg korang akan dapat cuma akn dpt course merapu lah and had to apply for IPTS..
ingatlah kata pepatah " bersusah susah dahulu bersenang senang kemudian.."